Who is Team Jake?

Team Jake, which operates as JDC Support, is a family-run business dedicated to helping Jake to achieve a great life with purposeful and meaningful activities to learn and grow.

Since 2011, Team Jake has been a collaboration between paid and unpaid individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a vision for disability inclusion and human rights.

We share the vision that all people with a disability can achieve a fully functional and meaningful life when supported in an environment conducive to kindness and person centred active support.

The team includes family, friends, medical and allied health professionals, and our dedicated team of disability support workers.

Team Jake offers a friendly, well-supported work environment where everyone has a voice that is respected and valued for their input into Jake’s life.

Jake’s work

Jake has two micro-businesses that keep him active in the community.

Animal rescue donations
Jake loves helping animals, so his primary micro-business is collecting unwanted linen, towels, sheets and blankets to donate to the many local animal rescue and wildlife centres on behalf of the various communities who support him.

(please check our collection/delivery areas).

Cleaning rags for tradies
Turning old and worn towels received into cleaning rags or ‘rags for tradies’ and then hand-delivering them to community members who place an order on our website.

Each bag sells for $8 per bag and are a great way to repurpose unwanted towels and avoids them being discarded into landfill

They’re a real hit with mechanics, plumbers, painters and other local tradies, but also good to have at home for those odd cleaning jobs.

Making an impact

Team Jake assists Jake to achieve his NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) goal of social and community participation. This is a major goal in Jake's life, so he can work towards social inclusion in his community, learn to participate in those communities, and be seen to be a good citizen.

Jake’s micro-businesses also help him to achieve his goal and assist in building connections at organisations such as animal rescue and wildlife centres. They expand his relationships and develop his community connectedness and acceptance.

Through social networking, Jake is becoming well-known in these communities as someone who can understand and be trusted to fulfil a community service, while achieving his goals and aspirations.

What is a great life?

A ‘great life’ consists of great support staff to help achieve Jake’s goals, dreams and aspirations. Jake’s staff are his mentors, his guides and his everyday connections to the community.

Community inclusion and connectedness is where life happens and we work hard to ensure Jake has a well-balanced life in the community, where he can experience many aspects of day-to-day life while being included and respected.

We Support these Organizations

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